Monday, 22 August 2016

Gsoc 2016 Final Submission
Vorto Devtool

Shiv Kandikuppa


The project proposal can be found here

Git Commits

The changes related to the devtool were being made on this branch.
The entire list of commits that have been made during GSoc 2016 (some commits were not made on the above branch)

Upgraded Eclipse Vorto to Xtext 2.9.2
Added runtime test module for Information model
Devtool (#1)
Replaced import and search buttons with icons (
Moved devtool dependencies from infomodel.web/pom.xml to devtool/pom.xml
Modified function block workflow to generate files for function block…
Integrated function block editor with devtool
Integrated function block editor with devtool. Added missing files fr…
Created tabbed editor in devtool
Modified the UI of add Vorto Model modal.
Added editor valid status to tab
Created modal to describe model before creating editor
Added Create and Open Project Features
Implemented the web-editor with in memory data storage
Created ProjectRespositoryDAO and refactored code accordingly
Created ProjectRespositoryDAO and refactored code accordingly
Added client side validations
Taking namespace as input while creating a new file. Added auto gener…
Added Vorto repository basepath and linked models in the search windo…
Added project resource namespace and name
Updated .equals method for projectResource
Added checks to prevent duplicateresources from being created
Added test cases for devtool
Refactored editor service interface. Showing function block models in…
Removed unused templates
Fixed loader position shown when models are imported

Vorto User Guide


Vorto Devtool is a web based code editor that can be used to create and edit InformationModel and Functionblock files. Like Eclipse, the users can create new projects and inside these projects, create multiple Functionblock and InformationModel files.
The web editor supports the following features:-
  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Code auto completion
  • Model Validation
  • Importing models
    • From Vorto Repository
    • From User Project

Creating a new Project

This allows to create a new project or open an existing project. Click on the Create Project button to create a new Project

Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.22.52 AM.png
Enter the project name. The project name must be unique
Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.23.38 AM.png
The new project has been created. The project is initially empty

Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.23.50 AM.png

Creating InformationModel and Functionblock files

New InformationModel and Functionblock files can be created by clicking on the the (+) button.

Select the type of resource that you want to create and click Next ( Creating a new InformationModel )
Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.23.56 AM.png
Fill in the relevant details or use the defaults

Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.24.03 AM.png
The new InformationModel is created
Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.24.13 AM.png
A new Functionblock can be created in a similar manner
Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.25.14 AM.png

Importing Models

Models can be imported by selecting a model from the browser window and clicking on the double arrow button

Importing a Functionblock into an InformationModel (From the Vorto Repository)
Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.24.19 AM.png
This might take a couple of seconds
Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.24.22 AM.png

The code is auto generated
Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.24.31 AM.png
Importing a Functionblock into an InformationModel (From the user project)

Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.25.48 AM.png

Closing and Opening Projects

The project can be closed by clicking on the X on the top right cornerScreen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.27.19 AM.png
Do you really want to exit ?
Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.27.21 AM.png

You can open the project by clicking on the folder icon next to it
Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.27.31 AM.png

Vorto Developer Guide

How to start the server

To start the vorto devtool server, go to the devtool root directory and on the terminal , run:

mvn spring-boot:run

How to add a new Editor

A new editor can be added to the devtool by following these steps :-
  • Migrate the xtext language to version 2.9.2 (Use Ace as the websupport framework)
    webSupport = {
    framework = "Ace"

  • Add org.eclipse.vorto.editor.web as a dependency in the pom file of the language.web package.
  • In the language.web package, use the LanguageWebModule.xtend file to register additional components that can be used. The additional components currently being used are :-

class FunctionblockWebModule extends AbstractFunctionblockWebModule {

def Class<? extends IWebResourceSetProvider> bindIWebResourceSetProvider() {
return WebEditorResourceSetProvider

def Class<? extends IServerResourceHandler> bindIServerResourceHandler() {
return HashMapResourceHandler;


  • Add the language.web package as a dependency in the pom file of devtool
  • Add the generated javascript files for the Ace framework to devtool/src/main/resources/static/dist/js/xtext

Screen Shot 2016-08-22 at 7.49.00 AM.png

  • Register the servlet which the Ace editor for that language will use at devtool/src/main/java/org/eclipse/vorto/server/devtool/config/

public ServletRegistrationBean informationModelXtextServlet() {
return new ServletRegistrationBean(new InformationModelServlet(), "/infomodel/xtext-service/*");

How to add a new Data store

Refer to this to see how Xtext uses Persistence on the web. The current devtool implementation of persistence uses a HashMap (bundles/org.eclipse.vorto.editor.web/src/org/eclipse/vorto/editor/web/resource/HashMapResourceHandler.xtend).
Create a new persistence implementation in vorto.editor.web package and register this new implementation as the IServerResourceHandler for the editors

Open source libraries used

The following open source libraries have been used :-


  1. Single repostiry configuration URL in the file
  2. Add user login and spring security
  3. Create a DAO persistence layer
  4. Improve the user experience by showing real time validation of the files on the tab
  5. Refactor the code and add more test cases


I would like to thank my mentor Alex Edelmann for his constant support and encouragement over the course of Gsoc.
I would also like to thank Christian Dietrich and the members of the Xtext community who helped me solve the issues I came across while understanding and working on Xtext.

Finally, I would also like to thank the members of the Eclipse community and Google for providing me this opportunity to work on this open source project.